Monday, March 21, 2016

Fountain of Youth

The fountain of youth not been found yet, so the quest for eternal youth and beauty continues. With this being said, when we look in the mirror and start to see signs of aging, our first thought is of a facelift. Not so long ago, a facelift was huge undertaking with major recovery time and was also considered as a major surgery. Flash forward to the year 2014 and the options available are far more than before. Development of less invasive procedures have made getting a facelift easily accessible even on your lunch hour! For example, the Thread Lift is a minimally invasive facelift you can have performed on your lunch hour under local anesthesia. The cosmetic surgeon simply makes small incisions near the hair line and then uses a surgical needle and thread to lift the skin. In under an hour, your sagging jowls disappear. Recovery time is minimal and down time is almost nil. Another procedure similar to the Thread Lift is Silhouette Soft. Silhouette Soft is similar to a Thread Lift, but with Silhuotte Soft, the threads help produce collagen over time. There is virtually no downtime and only minimal bruising. The results are immediate with this procedure as well. For those who are apprehensive about having the above procedures performed, they can always opt for a liquid facelift. With a liquid facelift, the cosmetic surgeon will assess your concerns and then choose suitable fillers such as Restylane and Juvederm. These fillers help increase lost volume which occurs as we age. The results are immediate and can last up to one year. These fillers replace volume and fill in lines and wrinkles around the mouth, nasolabial folds, as well as the vertical smoker lines. These fillers can also fill in and add volume in the hollows of the eyes to give a more youthful and well rested appearance. There is no downtime and minimally no discomfort. Juvederm has a local anesthetic in the product so no need to apply a topical agent. As with any cosmetic procedure, it is best to research as much information as possible and discuss your wants and expectations with a qualified cosmetic surgeon.

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